Front leg joinery on the Adirondack chairs is now done.
I’ve cleared out my backlog of household projects and gifts for neighbors. I’m on to working through the joinery on the Greene & Greene Adirondack Chairs that I abandoned more than a year ago. I’d abandoned them because at the time I realized that I didn’t have the workholding ability I required to do the shaping of the arms and legs. Now that the workbench is complete with two great vise options, however, I’m full speed ahead.

I’m working my way through the lessons in the online class on this project, and thus far I have the mortises cut in the front legs as well as the G&G leg details routed in. I also MASKED UP and went over to Woodcraft for the first time since February and picked up a piece of ebony to use for the plugs in the chair.
We’re hitting the busiest part of summer so I’m not even getting time every single weekend to devote time, but I hope to have these chairs completed before the end of summer.